how many castes are there in India know what the census data says

how many castes are there in India know what the census data says

The debate regarding caste census continues in the country, BJP is opposing it at the central level, But the government has not clarified anything yet., Meanwhile, there is also news that the census may start from September, Although the government has not confirmed it yet, Government schemes and policies are affected due to the delay in census. 2011 are being made according to the census data taken in, In such a situation, let us know how many castes are there in the country and how many people belong to which caste,

How many castes are there in the country,

India’s caste system has existed since ancient times and identifies various ethnic groups, Castes are traditionally based on the caste system of Hinduism, which consists of four major classes , Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and the shudras, But, In modern times the caste system has become even more complex and includes numerous sub-castes and ethnic groups.,

It is difficult to get accurate data on the total number of castes in India, Because the process and methods of identifying castes in the census are time consuming,keeps changing over time, Although Indian Census and various social studies provide us some important data.2011 according to census data from, scheduled castes in india (SC) and scheduled tribes (ST) The total number of 16.6% And 8.6% Was, The number of Scheduled Castes as a percentage of total population is approximately 20 crores and the number of Scheduled Tribes is approximately 10 Around a crore,was close by,

There is a huge number and diversity of castes in India., The number of castes varies in different states and regions,may be different, For example, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, And in big states like Maharashtra, the number of castes and sub-castes is very high, If we talk about the total number of castes in India, then the figures of government and research organizations show that the total number of castes in the country can be in thousands, For example, State-level caste data identifies thousands of castes and sub-castes.2011 According to the census of, march 2023 till 1,270 SC748 ST castes are,

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So many castes came out in the census

The Center said that where in India 1931 In the first census conducted in 1956, the total number of castes in the country 4,147 was there 2011 After the caste census conducted in 2015, the total number of castes in the country came out to be 46 there were more than a million,

2011 Citing the example of Maharashtra from the data obtained in the caste census conducted in 2015, the Center said that in Maharashtra, where the officially scheduled castes are, Number of castes falling under ST and OBC 494 Was, There itself 2011 In the caste census conducted in 2015, the total number of castes in this state 4,28,677 was found,

How many people are of which religion,

2011 According to the census of, Total in the country 121 There are crores of population, in which 79.79 Percentage Hindu14.22 percent muslim2.29 percent christian1.72 percent sikh0.69 percent Buddhist and 0.36 Percentage of people are Jains,

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